Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my website. I hope you will enjoy the eclectic collection of short stories and essays. They are all very close to my heart, in whichever genre. I always welcome comments and feedback. Once again, I hope you enjoy my site. Thank you.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I would like to thank Jeannette Andersen
for nominating me for the 

Her blog can be found at:

I have worked with her on many occasions.  Her work is excellent.  Take a look.

Here are the rules of the award:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog.
  2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  3. State 7 things about yourself.
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers to the award.
  5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

7 things about me:

  1. I have an eclectic collection of short stories and essays on my webpage.
  2. I enjoy singing.
  3. I love country music.
  4. I enjoy a good steak dinner.
  5. I enjoy the philosophy of Kierkegaard and Frederick Nietzsche.
  6. I begin every morning with a fresh cup of coffee.
  7. I am a die-hard fan of the 5 time Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys.

15 Bloggers You Should Check Out:

  1. Dennis De Rose (http://www.thebookmarketingnetwork.com)
  2. Jessica Kuzmier (http://jkuzmier.com/blog/info/welcome.htm)
  3. Marta Merajver (http://asmsgbooks.wordpress.com)
  4. Elizabeth Merchant (http://charmaineelizabeth.blogspot.com)
  5. Kathleen Pooler (http://krpooler.com)
  6. Elmarie Porthouse (http://www.e-novelist.com)
  7. Betsy Riley (http://brwas.com/wordpress)
  8. Peggy Strack (http://pstrack.blogspot.com)
  9. Peggi Tustan (http://peggitustan.blogspot.com)
  10. Raani York (http://raanihyork.wordpress.com)
  11. Sandra Tyler (http://www.awriterweavestale.com)
  12. Arlee Bird (http://tossingitout.blogspot.com)
  13. Elisabeht Zguta (http://elisabethzguta.blogspot.com)
  14. Edna Bell-Pearson (http://www.bell-pearson.com)
  15. Ronnie Dauber (http://ronniedauber.com)

I would like to once again thank Jeanette Andersen for nominating me for this award.

Thank you and good luck for you all with your writing.


J.S. Andersen said...

Nice job Daron. ;)

Arlee Bird said...

You like country music? I would have never guessed. I also like country though I don't keep up with new music very much.

Thanks so much for the recognition of this award. I stopped doing the awards on my site after so many started coming and they became difficult to keep up with. And as you probably discovered in your post, compiling all those links can be quite a job!

In any case, I appreciate the gesture.

Have you ever compiled a life soundtrack? This might be something you might enjoy doing for one of your blog posts.
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Unknown said...

Please let me know how I can link back to you. My techie knowledge is inexistant :)

Unknown said...

Hi Daron,

I like country music too.

I noticed your short stories are inspired by CW. I wrote a short story inspired by an Emmy Lou Harris song.

No, I don't think your blog is monotonous. I think it's just fine. Keep going with it.

One good thing you did was ask people for their opinions, something I haven't done and should. It brings more readers to your blog. Good thinking.

Patricia A. Guthrie, author
In the Arms of the Enemy
Waterlilies Over my Grave

Unknown said...

Oh, btw,

My blog is: www.paguthrie.blogspot.com if you want to take a peek and comment. I would love that.
