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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

An Olive Branch from Far, Far Away

Colonel Paul Tibbets flew over the coast of Japan towards the city of Hiroshima.  The top secret plan, as detailed by his superior officer was to bring the nation of Japan to its knees with this new, super-weapon.   The discussion of the weapon had been kept on a need-to-know basis by the Pentagon.  Only the President and a select few were aware of the bomb and the destructive power that it possessed. 

The 9,700 pound bomb was said to have an explosive power of 18 kilotons of dynamite.  Colonel Paul Tibbets did not understand the magnitude of 18 kilotons of dynamite until it was translated to him into laymen’s terms.  His commander quantified it to him:  the 9,700 pound bomb contained the capacity of 36 million pounds of dynamite.  Explained in these terms, the true destructive force of the bomb was comprehended.

On the ominous journey off the coast of Japan towards the city of Hiroshima a sense of nervousness and awe was felt by all.  More top secret than the bomb itself was the source of the super-weapon.  Outside a few privileged power positions including General Eisenhower, President Truman, the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of Defense, nobody was aware of the true source of the bomb.  The official account of the bomb’s source was that it had been created by a highly educated team of American scientists, mostly refugees from Europe.  However, the truth, which was maintained as a secret for many years to come, was that it was, in actuality a product of Alien technology.

The pilot and crew of the American B-29 bomber had considered themselves to be among the honored elite just to be aware of the bomb.  Yet, they were unaware of the sheer magnitude of the destructive capability that the bomb maintained, and, thus the responsibility entrusted to them.  They, along with their commanders, were unaware of the Alien technology and, moreover, were told that the bomb had not been tested.  They were simply told that it was a super-weapon and that they could not fathom the magnitude of its destructive potential. 

During the unnerving flight somebody was sure to ask and the co-pilot did.  “Do you think this will work?”  He probed reflecting his own anxiety. 

Another one of the crew answered, “They say the one bomb could blow-up the whole city.  How is that possible?  We’ve been bombing mainland Japan for over a year now.  What difference is one bomb going to make?”

They continued their flight over the shoreline of Japan.  They crossed into mainland Japan’s airspace.  They were not worried about Japanese fighter planes taking aim; the Japanese air-force had been all but decimated.  They now knew it was the time.  They opened the hatch and dropped the bomb.  It floated down to the city on a parachute and at approximately 8:15 in the morning on August 6, 1945, when it was about a mile over the city, the first atomic bomb exploded.  The American B-29 Bomber was over 10 miles away when the explosion was set off.  Although they had been told, they could not grasp the shear force of the explosion that took place.  As they were flying away they were horrified of the mushroom cloud that formed.

One of the crew of the Bomber exclaimed, more out of personal fear then from joy that the war would now soon end.  He said, with a trembling voice, “It really did blow up the whole city.  They said it would and it did.”  It was with his realization that the dropping of this bomb represented the beginning of the nuclear age.

“What if they get one too?” He asked his other crew members.  “A few of those could destroy New York City.”

“We’re the only ones that have one?  Aren’t we?”  Another asked.

The discussion on the plane as it flew away from mainland Japan was not ecstatic, instead it was consumed on the massive destructive capability of our own making.  The sentiment in the plane centered on that same proposition. 

“What if they get one?  What if everybody gets one?  Where is it going to stop?  It could be the end of everything.”

Another one of the crew members remarked, “Is that explosion ever going to end?”  

They were all unaware, as were the President and the Pentagon that the destructive power which was released from the bomb was from a mere 960 mg. of mass transformed to energy.  Thus, the power of the bomb, equivalent to 36 million pounds of dynamite was approximately contained within the dimensions of the top of a clothes pin.  Later it was discovered that over 100,000 people died in Hiroshima as a result of that one bomb.

The President and a few trusted advisers were the only one’s aware of the super-weapon’s true origination.  From the early years of the Roosevelt administration, unbeknownst to not only most of the country but to most in the higher levels of United States government, secret negotiations had been in the process between the United States and “The Aliens” as they were known for lack of a better name. 

“The Aliens” were from a nearby solar system which was only a few hundred thousand light-years away.  However, their place of origin was not relevant in this precarious time in the history of man.  What was relevant was what they had to offer the United States and the Earth. 

“The Aliens” had been secretly negotiating with the United States for more than 10 years.  However, empowering the United States was not all that they were doing here on Earth; they also had their own itinerary.  As a highly advanced civilization that had achieved peace and prosperity on their own planet and had recognized it was now time to bring a higher level of existence to the people of Earth.  Thus, they delivered the United States the A-Bomb knowing it would end the war and knowing that it would secure democracy in the world in years to come.

On September 15, 1933 “the Aliens” made themselves known to the President of the United States.  They did not do so with a grand announcement to the people of the Earth, but by a closely situated ambassador sent to the White House as a result of previous, clandestine negotiation. 

“The Aliens” brought with them the promise of peace and a wish for a liberating future for the entirety of the planet.  They systematically were to help, through negotiations with the United States, in the freeing of the planet in the course of the next 100 years.  The technology which brought them here through a perilous journey through space was not a result of the attainment of light-speed or the use of a warm-whole; rather, it was from a highly-coordinated bending of space which enabled a spacecraft to travel the distance that amounted to light-years in seconds.  However, they had no intention of sharing this technology with the United States.  Yet, in addition to the atomic bomb, they had other technology which they were willing to share.  Most notably, later in the century, technologies such as super-computing and the technology for the first primitive rockets that brought man to the moon were gifts by “The Aliens.”  However, their goal at this point in time was simply to end the war and secure victory for the Allies, and thus, the eventual freedom of democracy to the world.

“The Aliens” not only guided the United States and Allies to victory in World War II, but they also supervised the Cold War and eventual downfall of the Soviet Union which led to democracy to Eastern Europe.  They also oversaw the complicated road to freedom in East Asia. 

Today, in the year 2025, the world is all but at peace.  Democracy has been brought to the greater part of the Earth.  Moreover, in the next 10 or 15 years these other areas too will be liberated.  With the freedom of democracy also comes the benefit of an affluent society.  “The Aliens” concluded that they would oversee the final democratic victory in the world and then return to their own solar system.  It was not to build and empire that they came here, it was to welcome freedom, democracy, and prosperity to the world.  When they finally leave, few will know that they were ever here.

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